Below we provide the link of monthly seminar #1 material “Finding a Research Gap” by Prof. Ben White. Link #1 Finding a “Research Gap”.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, in cooperation with Indonesia Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), will hold The 5th Asian population Association Conference on 24-27 November, 2020 at Royal Ambarukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta.
Prof. Dr. Etsuko Matsuoka, a researcher from Nara Woman University Japan, was lined up as the speaker and presented several things related to cultural changes in delivery process as well as the role of midwives in the field of reproductive health in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta, CPPS UGM – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held a seminar “Impact of Reproductive Health Policies on Woman’s Health: MDGs and BPJS” on Thursday (28/11/2019) at Auditorium Prof. Dr.
Seminar "How to Enjoy the Process of Scientific Writing" held by CPPS UGM on Friday (11/15/2019) was one of interesting event to note.
Yogyakarta, CPPS UGM – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held a seminar “How to Enjoy the Process of Scientific Writing” on Friday (15/11/2019) at Auditorium Prof. Dr.
People of generation Z are trying to convey their political aspirations in a new way, that is, by making demo posters or banners in a humorous style.
Yogyakarta, CPPS UGM – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held a monthly seminar “Melawan dengan Gembira: Humor dalam Komunikasi Politik Kebangsaan (Fighting with Joy: A Humor in National Political Communication)” on Monday […].
Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) Universitas Gadjah Mada held an internal seminar on September 17, 2019 with the theme “Decision Making and Behaviors for Sustainable Spatial Development Process” delivered by Datuk Ary A. Samsura, a lecturer in Radboud University, Netherlands.
On Monday (19/08/2019), Regional Manpower Planning Workshop of Yogyakarta was held in Fiscal Year 2019. The workshop was issued by Cooperative, SME, Manpower and Transmigration Office of Yogyakarta at Auditorium Prof. Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, MPA, CPPS UGM.