Yogyakarta – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) conducted a study regarding the Japanese language training system for internship and/or work programs in Japan for Indonesian citizens. Before going into the field to collect data, PSKK UGM held training and try-outs for Enumerators and field assistants for three days, namely on 14-16 November 2023, Yogyakarta.
The government has set a target of sending more than 100,000 Special Skilled Workers (SSW) and/or Apprentice Training Programs (TITP) from Indonesia to Japan in the next five years. Data records that the number of SSW and TITP traveling from Indonesia to Japan has increased rapidly. On an annual basis it will increase 2.5 times from 2019 to 2022, and on a monthly basis it will increase 3.8 times between June 2019 and June 2023.
Despite showing an increase in the number of SSW and TITP, the Japanese language skills mastered are still very basic. This is a concern because in fact the Japanese language skills required must be more than a basic level. Considering the importance of preparing prospective interns and/or PMI before leaving for the destination country, this research is very important to carry out because it will be an indicator to improve and improve the system related to sending and protecting Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in the right way.***