CPPS’ News
PSKK UGM – Education and Training Center for Educational and Religious Technical Personnel sent a team to study Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning techniques at the Center for Population and Policy Studies Gadjah Mada University (CPPS […].
Yogyakarta – In commemoration of World Population Day 2023, the UGM Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) held a seminar with the theme “A Population of 8 Billion: Understanding Population Trends to Understand Women’s […].
CPPS UGM – MDKIK SPs UGM in collaboration with CPPS UGM successfully held a public lecture entitled “The Role of Digital Forensics in Disclosure of Cyber Incidents” on Tuesday, 16 May 2023.
CPPS UGM – CPPS UGM senior researcher, Dr. Sukamdi, Dr. Pande Made Kutanegara, and Dr. Hakimul Ikhwan held audiences in Hong Kong and Taiwan (HKUST Business School Central, Hong Kong; Tamkang University, Taiwan; National Cengchi […].
To support the government in developing the PSA policy in Indonesia, the Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a workshop on Thursday, 9 June 2022. The workshop was run under the theme, “The Synergy among Social Protection, Climate Change, and Disaster Policies – Policy Design, Challenges, and Its Implementation” by inviting some experts in PSA policy.
Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held a book review and discussion titled “From Colonization to Nation State – The Political Demography of Indonesia” written by Dr. Riwanto Tirtosudarmo, M.A.
CPPS UGM – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held a Training on Acceleration Studies in Underdeveloped Regions on 3-5 March 2022 at Auditorium Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, M.P.A., Masri Singarimbun Building, CPPS UGM.
“Besides father and mother in a nuclear family, the extended family such as grandparents, apparently also plays an important role in increasing or decreasing children’s jovial behavior which then has a great impact on their IQ scores,” Sawangde said.
Novi Widyaningrum, a researcher and gender observer at the CPPS UGM, strongly criticized the discourse of the perpetrator to marry the victim. According to her, the discourse of marrying the victim is a form of arrogance based on social class and strong patriarchal culture in Indonesia.
The Indonesia Statistics Agency recorded the poverty rate as of March 2020 increased to 26.42 million people. Regarding this position, the percentage of poor people also rose to 9.78 percent as of March 2020. The increase in poverty rate reached 1.28 million people from the previous rate, 25.14 million people compared to the rate as of March 2019. The percentage of poor people also rose 0.37 percent from March 2019, which was only 9.41 percent.