
Customer Satisfaction Index of JIH Hospital in Semester 1 – 2021

One of the citizen’s rights that must be fulfilled is to obtain quality public services. As a citizen’s right, the state regulates its implementation by making a regulation. One of them is the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25/2009 concerning Public Services. Article 1 Paragraph 1 of the Law asserts that public services are described as activities or a series of activities in fulfilling service needs by laws and regulations for every citizen and resident for goods, services, and/or administrative services provided by public service providers. Article 4 of the same regulation stipulates that the implementation must be by: 1) public interest, 2) legal certainty, 3) equality of rights, 4) balance of rights and obligations, 5) professionalism, 6) participatory, 7) equality of treatment/non-discrimination, 8) openness, 9) accountability, 10) facilities and special treatment for vulnerable groups, 11) punctuality, and 12) pace, convenience, and affordability. read more

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bontang City

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global commitments that are important to be considered in any development agenda of the local (city) government. There are at least two things that underly it. First, the shared intentions and goals to achieve the targets and indicators therein. There are 16 goals, 169 targets, and 222 indicators that must be followed up by the local government’s policies, programs, and actions. All targets and indicators must be adapted to the local context, social development, and urban economic. The political dynamics greatly affect program and budget commitments at the same time so that the targets and indicators achievement may increase or decrease. Second, the SDGs has an interrelated broad scope, multi- purpose, and complex issues. Any policy responses related to the achievements must involve and obtain support across actors and sectors, while the SDGs is a new item in development. This can hinder the involvement of multi-actor in achieving the SDGs. read more

Review of Situation Analysis of Children and Woman (ASIA)

The policy development for protection of children rights has been actually identified in the National Long-Term and Mid-Term Development Plans (RPJP and RPJMN). The RPJPN determines directions to develop human resources capacity through improvement of various programs in health, education, women’s empowerment and child protection. The empowerment of children and women is directed to improve the quality of women and children’ life, roles, and welfare, as well as to reduce violence, exploitation, and discrimination. Along with the direction of the RPJPN, the development of adopted child becomes a priority in the National Mid-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/RPJMN (2004-2009). read more

Studi Pembiayaan Layanan Korban Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak

Melihat kondisi dan perkembangan penanganan korban kekerasan perempuan dan anak, diperlukan adanya studi terkait pelayanan perempuan dan anak di lembaga/instansi terkait yang meliputi pembiayaan layanan, jenis-jenis layanan, serta animo korban untuk melapor ke fasilitas layanan. Dengan studi ini, dapat dilihat pembiayaan khusus pelayanan korban kekerasan perempuan dan anak dibandingkan dengan SPM Pembiayaan. Di samping itu, studi ini sekaligus juga melihat kesiapan lembaga/instansi dalam menyediakan layanan untuk korban kekerasan perempuan dan anak. read more

The Situation of Children and Woman in Indonesia

Within the overall context of Indonesia, this Situation Analysis for Children Report aims to identify, analyse, and explore the available data on the trends and patterns in the major problems affecting children and women in Indonesia over the past decade (2000-2010). It also aims to explore policy initiatives, innovations, and challenges in responding to these problems in the new decentralised governance structures of Indonesia and to provide recommendations for policy makers and practitioners at the national and sub-national levels. read more

Save The Children MTE Report

Save the Children sponsorship program for children to fulfill the needs of children from birth to adolescence. The mission of the program is funded by Sponsorship is to change the lives of children, both sponsored and non-sponsored children. This activity aims to ensure children have healthy lives early on, the opportunity to learn properly, and get protection from various threats to their lives. So that future children are expected to get a decent life and have a better chance at life and lifelong success. Save the Children has started implementing Long-term sponsorship programs in West Sumba in 2014 and Central Sumba 2015. This program aims to reach 100,000 children and their community for 10 years to improve the quality of education and health services for children in West Sumba and Central Sumba through five core programs. read more

Child Marriage in Indonesia

Marriage is reality for many children, especially girls. Survey data notes that child marriage is prevalent in the world‟s poorest countries like in sub-Saharan Africa, South Central and Southeast Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Latin America (see Table 1.1).1 The exact number of the practice is difficult to obtain as so many are unregistered. It is estimated, however, that 60 percent of girls in developing countries entered into union before age 18.2 In Indonesia, 34.5 percent of 2.049.000 marriages in 2008 are child marriage. It is also reported that during 2000-2008, the trend of child marriage at the national level and in Central Java tend to decline, but it tends to increase in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara (BPS, 2009). As well as in other many countries, child marriage more often occur in rural areas among less educated girls. read more

PRIDE at work A study on discrimination at work on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Indonesia

Discrimination and violence against people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity is a serious problem around the world. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers face discrimination in the labour market throughout the employment cycle because of their perceived or actual sexual orientation. They may be denied access to employment, to training and promotion, and access to social security. Since LGBT workers are unlikely to be well represented in government structures, or in employers’ and workers’ organizations, their particular interests are rarely the subject of social dialogue or reflected in collective agreements. Consequently when they encounter discrimination, harassment or bullying, the avenues for workplace dispute resolution may be scarce. read more


Violence against women (VAW) and girls is one of the most systemic and widespread violations of human rights worldwide. It takes place in every country, in peacetime as well as in situations of conflict and crisis, and affects women and girls regardless of age, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. It takes many forms – from domestic and sexual violence, to harmful practices, trafficking, and “honor” killings and other forms of femicide. In East and Southeast Asia, many forms of violence against women have increased in recent years, with domestic violence being one of the most common but grossly under-reported forms of violence in the region1. In Indonesia, VAW reported cases have been rising substantially over the years, where domestic violence consistently dominated the trend2. read more

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Standing between the Tradition and Modernity

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) is a phenomenon that has existed in Indonesia since ancient times. As described by Feillard and Mercoes (1998) various writings of Dutch scientist show that FGM/C can be found in Indonesia since the late 17th century. Gervaise for example, wrote in 1670 about PGM/C practice among Muslims in Makassar, Sulawesi. While Winter, a Dutch scientist wrote in 1843, about partial clipping of the clitoris of 6-to-7-year-old girls in Solo. Riedl’s writing made in 1870, revealed a similiar practice among girls aged 9 to 15 in Gorontalo, Sulawesi. The Practice of FGM/C among Buginese girls aged 3 to 7 years is also described in the writing of B. F. Matthes made in 1875. AL Van Hasselt stated in 1882 that FGM/C was performed at a younger age compared to boy’s circumcision in Minangkabau. read more