
Migration in Border Areas

This book presents the characteristics of migrants or mobility offenders, such as demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics.

Also, it discusses the patterns of fertility among migrants or mobility offenders and the development of migrants’ families. This book was compiled based on migration survey data conducted in Sleman District in 2014-2017.

Authors Agus Joko Pitoyo, Eddy Kiswanto, dan Idris Ihwanudin
Book Title Migrasi di Kawasan Perbatasan
Publication Year 2019
Language Bahasa Indonesia
ISBN 978-979-3969-57-2
Penerbit Center for Population and Policy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords Family development of migrant populations, characteristics, and patterns
of mobility offenders

Maternal Health Knowledge Index in Poor Households

This book presents the indicators of maternal and neonatal health, as well as the stages of preparing maternal health knowledge index.

Also, it explains nutrition diversity, design of SMS messages on health program, demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the households, decision making in the households, maternal health behavior and knowledge, and other health participations.

This book was compiled based on the results of a survey “Evaluation of BBC (Behavior Change Communication) Intervention Impact on the Changes in Maternal Health Behavior of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Program Targets that was conducted in 2016. read more

Population Dynamics and Policies

Behind the hustle and bustle of current social conditions, we should note a number of social and humanitarian issues that require serious attention. Regarding the population, for example, we still face various problems of the low quality in human resources. The 2003 UNDP report ranked the Indonesian Human Development Index in 112th out of 172 countries, while the poor population in 2002 was still more than 38 million people. This fact makes it difficult for Indonesia to realize the 2015 Millennium Development Goals, which has become the commitment of 180 heads of state in the world in 2000. Based the aspects of gender and reproductive health, we are faced with several issues, including women’s political participation, abortion, domestic violence, undesirable pregnancy, and efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, in regional autonomous era, we also witnessed conflicts both horizontally and vertically existed everywhere, the strong tendency to interpret autonomy as maximizing natural resources for the sake of increasing PAD, and the rise of village democracy. read more

Poverty Alleviation: Learning from Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) Program

This book, “Poverty Alleviation: Learning from Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) or poor student assistance Program”, illustrates and examines the process of public sharing, card distribution, fund distribution, and target accuracy, fund utilization, and household participation in other social programs.

This book is written based on the results of survey “Distribution Card (Midline Survey) and Distribution (Endline Survey) for Poor Student Assistance”. The survey was conducted in 2013 – 2014 by using quantitative and qualitative approaches in several provinces of Indonesia; North Sumatra, West Java, East Java, NTB, NTT, and South Sulawesi. read more

FLYER SUMMER COURSE 2018: International Labour Migration in the Shifting World (New Insights and Policy Challenges)

International labour migration is very complex and involves multi-dimensional issues ranging from economic to social, political to cultural. To some extent, due to the lengthy history of migration, issues, policies, and insight must be seen not only in economic terms but also in broader aspects. As such, it is very important to explore how international labour migration and related policies vary and compare across the globe, as well as how they reduce or introduce obstacles for different gender and demographic groups accessing and remaining within the labour force. High levels of internal and international migration are a feature of ASEAN states, especially in the large archipelagic countries of Indonesia and the Philippines. Developing from densely populated agricultural states, high rates of rural urban migration in the postindependence decades marked the establishment of large primate cities in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, and later in Vietnam. read more

INFOGRAPHIC: Survey of Community Complaints at 16 Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta City

Yogyakarta, CPPS UGM – Good public services have good structures, mechanisms, procedures and procedures for planning, organising and supervising, and ensuring citizens and their organizations are involved in the process as well.

However, public services provided by the government cannot always be in accordance with the expectations of the community, which those ultimately lead to community dissatisfaction or complaints. Attention to the complaints of the community becomes quite important, it is not only to improve the quality of public services, but also to protect and to strengthen the rights of citizens at the same time. read more

Contemporary Survey Management

Survey research is regarded as a cheap and fast research tool so that the information can be generated accurately and in a timely manner. Data and information collection can provide the description of present condition of large population by using relatively small samples. The population can be directly related to residents, agencies, institutions, organizations, and social units, but the main source of information lies on the perpetrators or people (actors). Today’s institutions rely on survey research for many purposes. The survey can help to understand the consumer preferences about certain products, measure employee satisfaction, identify market opportunities, and conduct program monitoring and evaluation. read more


Empirical fact indicates that the representation established between legislators and their constituents has yet to exhibit adequate quality. There is still a gap between the desires of the people and their legislative representation, as well as the models of representation in effect. Generally speaking, this low degree of representation is indicated by: (1) a lack of commitment on the part of legislators to further the aspirations and needs of their constituents, (2) a lack of a political communication system which is capable of offering active channels for effective communication between legislators and their constituents, (3) and a lack of legislator-formulated mechanisms for realizing programs promised during election campaigns, which leads to a low degree of political accountability. read more

NEW PUBLICNESS AND ITS IMPLICATION ON SOCIAL CONFLICTS: The Relation between Local Community and the Gated Community in Sleman

Authors: Asmarawati Handoyo, Agus Heruanto Hadna, and Ratminto

Topics: gated community, konflik sosial, masalah publik, publicness

Article Title: NEW PUBLICNESS AND ITS IMPLICATION ON SOCIAL CONFLICTS: The Relation between Local Community and the Gated Community in Sleman

Journal Title: JURNAL ILMU ADMINISTRASI DAN ORGANISASI: Bisnis dan Birokrasi Vol. 23, Number 1

Publication Year: 2016

Language: English

ISSN: 0854-3844

Artikel ini mediskusikan munculnya masalah publik baru dan implikasinya terhadap konflik sosial akibat dari tingginya pertumbuhan gated community (perumahan modern) di Kabupaten Sleman. Masalah publik baru tersebut meliputi permasalahan ekonomi, aksesibilitas, sosial, dan lingkungan. Melalui metode studi kasus dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam, ditemukan bahwa munculnya masalah publik baru dapat berimplikasi pada lahirnya konflik sosial apabila menemui dua situasi berikut. (1) kedua masyarakat tidak berhasil membangun kesepakatan untuk menyelesaikan masalah publik baru, dan (2) tidak adanya intervensi pemerintah daerah untuk mengatasi munculnya masalah publik baru gated community. Artikel ini memiliki dua tujuan: secara konseptual mendukung teori new publicness, bahwa kepublikan dapat muncul dari ranah privat, sekaligus melengkapi bahwa munculnya masalah publik baru dapat berimplikasi pada konflik sosial apabila menemui dua prakondisi di atas. Berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian ini, dua rekomendasi yang diberikan, yaitu pertama, perlunya dibangun komunikasi intensif dan mekanisme bersama di antara kedua masyarakat untuk menghindarkan munculnya masalah publik baru. Kedua, perlunya komitmen dan peran aktif Pemerintah Daerah Sleman khususnya dalam memberantas rente birokrasi perijinan dan peningkatan pengawasan langsung di lapangan sehingga perijinan yang diberikan tidak menimbulkan permasalahan publik baru yang berimplikasi pada konflik sosial. [] read more

POPULASI Volume 23 Nomor 2 Tahun 2015

Ageing Population and the Second Demographic Dividend in Indonesia
Heryanah (Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Sukabumi)

Ageing population will become an interesting issue in Indonesia afterward. Data of population census show that in 2023 those whose chategorize in pension age exceed 7 percent of the total population. The elderly dependency ratio of Indonesia will exceed 10 percent in 2023. The structure of population in Indonesia will become ageing in the near future. The objective of this essay is to give an overview about the first demographic dividend, ageing population issue and second demographic dividend in Indonesia based on the data of population projection 2010-2035. The economic implications and policies that should considered by the government are discuss as well. read more