
Penggalangan Kesehatan Maternal Di Sipirok

There should be a service for pregnancy and maternity care in the community that takes a side on reproductive health clients. It…

Perdagangan Anak Perempuan

The practice of trafficking in children for the sexual purpose in Semarang are in such places as poci tea stand, Sunan Kuning…

Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Di Ruang Publik – Ringkasan Eksekutif

This book comprehensively provides various recommendations on the policies in resolving violence against women in public space for the stakeholders. The recommendations…

Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Di Ruang Publik

This book is a research summary conducted in North Sumatera, Yogyakarta Special Region, South Sulawesi and Papua. Violence against women could happen…

Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Di Ruang Publik

The lack of awareness on gender equality and justice in the society reflects the lack of understanding of gender equality and justice…

Menggugat Budaya Patriarki

Perbedaan peran gender yang ada di Indonesia merupakan masalah ketidakadilan sosial yang menempatkan perempuan sebagai korban utamanya. Hal ini terjadi bukan hanya…

Perilaku Seksual Berisiko Tertular PMS Dan HIV AIDS

This study is intended to find out the attitude and sexual behavior of long distance (inter provincial) truck drivers, along the North…