
The Use of Big Data as Population Policy Landscape | By: Satria Aji Imawan

CPPS UGM – Population sector is often closely related to public policy terminology. Demeny (1988) defines population sector as a government activity…

Article, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide

COVID-19 Pandemic: The Rise of Malthusian Theory? | By: Sumini

At the end of the 17th century (1798), Malthus wrote his opinion in a provocative article entitled An essay in the principle…

Article, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide

A Shift in Bakpia Identity: Bakpia Zaman Now VS Bakpia Jadoel | By: Citra Sekarjati

Yogyakarta, with its culinary, has one of the most identical food souvenirs favored by tourists, namely Bakpia. Most of the tourists buy…

Article, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide

Dillema and Consequences of Economic Policy Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic | By: Dyah Kartika

The Covid-19 pandemic has not only hit the health sector, but it has also torn apart the state economy and widened social…

Article, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide, Media

Resounding the PHBS Movement during the COVID-19 Pandemic | By: Sri Purwatiningsih

The Clean and Healthy Behavior (Bahasa Indonesia: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat/PHBS) movement is currently being promoted as the way to prevent…

Article, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide, Media

Frenemies: Finding the Common Ground for the Polemic on Sexual Violence Eradication Bill? | By: Basilica Dyah Putranti

The statement of the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) in 2014 about Indonesia’s emergency of sexual violence is not…

Article, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide

Reaffirming Islamic-Indonesian Theology in Religious Revival Era | By: Hakimul Ikhwan

Today’s era is broadly called religious revival era. Religion, which is originally predicted by many social scientists, will be in ‘bankruptcy’ along…

CPPS' News, Essay & Opinion, Main Slide, Media


KOMPAS – Janji mendirikan negara kesejahteraan (welfare state) pernah disampaikan salah satu ketua partai politik terbesar dan tertua di Indonesia ketika ia…

Essay & Opinion, Media

[POLICY NOTE] Tenaga Fungsional Peneliti Aparatur Sipil Negara Non Dosen di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

Policy Note Tahun 2002, secara khusus, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan UU Nomor 18 Tahun 2002 tentang Sistem Nasional Penelitian, Pengembangan, dan Penerapan Ilmu…

Essay & Opinion, Media

KEMISKINAN ASIMETRIS | Oleh: Agus Heruanto Hadna

Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat – Menurut konstitusi/UUD 1945, negara mempunyai mandat untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum. Sebagai anggota komunitas global, Indonesia dituntut untuk berperan…

Essay & Opinion, Media