The Clean and Healthy Behavior (Bahasa Indonesia: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat/PHBS) movement is currently being promoted as the way to prevent society from COVID-19. The world has struggled t overcame the COVID-19 for more than half a year and WHO has even declared the COVID-19 a global pandemic since March 11, 2020. The term pandemic refers to a disease that spreads to many people in several countries at the same time. The number of the spread of COVID-19 has significantly increased and globally. As long as the vaccine has not been found, the efforts to reduce the spread and prevention of COVID-19 are to implement the PHBS.
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Indeks Pembangunan Berwawasan Kependudukan (IPBK) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menurut uji coba pengukuran indeks yang dilakukan pada 2012 lalu dinilai baik, yakni 0,61. Angka tersebut bahkan tertinggi di atas rata-rata nasional, yakni […].
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Kini, penguatan tata kelola pemerintah daerah merupakan hal yang tak terelakkan bagi pemerintah daerah baik di level provinsi, kabupaten, maupun kota. Sebagai komitmen untuk mendorong hal tersebut, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud, […].