Do Government and Business Search for Trust? (Case of Social Safety Nets and Corporate Social Responsibility)

30 April 2009 - 16:26:25 | admin

This paper analyzes the political-economic roles of social safety nets (SSNs) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs during economic transition in Indonesia. Both of the Indonesian government and business utilize SSNs and CSR program to get public trust from civil society. Supported by World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the government seeks the trust to justify its agenda to implement structural adjustment program. The trust is also important political resources for corporation to legitimate its operation. The chaotic democratization empowers civil society so that without its legitimacy both of government and business cannot play their role prolifically. To get the legitimacy, they behave as if they concern on people who deal with incurable economic adversity. They declare that either SSNs or CSR is manifestation of their moral commitment to alleviate poverty but obscurely it is designed to get the trust.

*Klik untuk mengunduh makalah: Seminar Bulanan S.359 – Mulyadi Sumarto | 30 April 2009