CPPS UGM – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held a book review and discussion titled “From Colonization to Nation State – The Political Demography of Indonesia” written by Dr. Riwanto Tirtosudarmo, M.A.
Taking place online by obeying the health protocols at the Auditorium of CPPS UGM and offline via live streaming on the YouTube channel “CPPS UGM”, the event was attended and viewed by more than 70 participants.
As the reviewer, Sukamdi (senior researcher at CPPS UGM) said that the author has emphasized from the beginning that the book focuses on one of the demographic issues only, namely migration.
“For you who are interested in reading this book, don’t think about finding a detailed discussion outside of migration issues,” Sukamdi said and smiled at the audience.
At the end of the event, Basilica Dyah Putranti (researcher at CPPS UGM) as the moderator of the event presented several notes she concluded from the discussion.
She read some of the notes aloud, such as the next political demography author might be able to look further into the relationship between political demography and the structure of population composition.
“Fertility and motility have not been discussed much yet, have they?” She asked the author to whom he then nodded his head.
She asserted that global-local dynamics have been mentioned a lot in the book “Since this is not finished yet, it might be a good further concern for all of us,” she added.
See full discussion of the book review on the YouTube channel “CPPS UGM”.