The Center for Population and Policy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (CPPS UGM) is a research institution dedicated to science and community welfare improvement. Established in April 1973, this research institution has conducted numerous population and policy research by addressing social, cultural, economic, politic, and health dimensions. Furthermore, CPPS UGM has generated many researchers and academics in population and policy studies with national and international reputations. Along its journey, CPPS UGM has changed its name three times in response to the expansion of population and policy studies throughout the years, i.e., Population Institute, Center for Population Studies (1981), Center for Research and Population Studies (1983), Center for Population Studies (1991), and Center for Population and Policy Studies (2001 to date).
The changes to its name reflect the evolution of the institute’s activities including research, training, and publications. The research initially focused on conventional issues related to population dynamics, such as fertility, mortality, mobility patterns, and the value of children. In the 1990s, there was a shift towards contemporary population issues, such as rural transformation and agricultural activities, transnational migration, gender, sexuality and reproductive health, social security, social policy, public services, decentralization and governance.
CPPS UGM is also actively involved in realizing to UGM’s vision as a World Class Research University by establishing masters and doctoral programs in policy studies. The Master Program of Policy Studies was established in 2004 followed by the introduction of the Doctoral Program of Policy Studies in 2008. The master courses aimed to develop analytical skills and research capacity on policy studies. Since this study program has been to Master and Doctoral Program in Leadership and Policy Innovation. This change reflects the commitment and enthusiasm of CPPS researchers to address public issues and other state strategic problems in transformation era. By providing a curriculum for cross-disciplinary policy, this study program is expected to generate leaders and policy makers both in the public and private sectors, who are able respond to the demands of rapid societal changes and have the capacity to initiate innovative policies.
Vision and Mission
Vision: To become a source of reference for population policy at the national and international level.
- General Mission:
To develop research and ideas in population studies and to promote the implementation of three pillars (Teaching, Research and Community) of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Specific Mission:
- To develop and disseminate research results in population and policy studies
- To support academic education and community services in population and policy studies
- To conduct research and generate publications related to population and policy studies
- To conduct training and advocacy based on the research results
- To improve academic community capacity to conduct research by promoting multidisciplinary research
- To build networking with other study centers and donor agencies, both government and non-government at national and international level
- To disseminate research results through publications and seminars