CPPS UGM is situated in Bulaksumur area, the north part of Yogyakarta City. The Head Office is located in Masri Singarimbun Building, Jalan Tevesia, the location that is close to UGM Head Office Building. This two-floor building provide the center for various activities, such as research, education, publication, and administration. It has also various facilities, such as staff rooms, meeting rooms, auditorium, computer room, classrooms, library, bookshop or publication corner, and dining room. Since August 2004, the building is also used for lecture activities of the Master Program of Policy Studies. On May 2, 2017, the auditorium was inaugurated with the name Auditorium Prof. Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, M.P.A. which has a capacity of 150 people.
As the development of information and technology goes by, CPPS UGM library has also developed an online catalogue service. Since middle 2010, the development of online catalogue has used SIPUS V4 software (WEB-based SIPUS) so that the seekers are able to easily find the library collections at http://lib.pskk.ugm.ac.id/digilib/. At the end of 2011, the use of new software was also developed, namely the Senayan Library Management System (Slims) with an online database that can be accessed via PCs or mobile phones at url lib.pskk.ugm.ac.id.
CPPS-GMU Library is one of most important facilities of the Center and even plays major role in magnifying its name. Being popular as “Population Library”, this library is widely recognized as an important place for the capacity enrichment and strengthening process of CPPS-GMU members as well as non-members who wish to study population issues.
To support research, workshops, and training activities, the library plays an important role in preparing literature relevant to respective activities. Therefore, the collections need to be updated on a regular basis. By the end of 2022, the library’s collection reached more than 10 thousand copies with 4,764 book titles, 1,334 reference books titles, 848 research reports titles, 228 scientific journal titles, and others.
In accordance with the information technology development, the library also develops its own online catalogue service facility. In end of 2011, it was further developed by using new software Senayan Library Management System (SLIMs) which still utilizes local connection in the library circulation room. Currently you can access the collection of library through online at http://lib.pskk.ugm.ac.id/ or https://cpps.ugm.ac.id/.