PSKK UGM– Dr. Evita Hanie Pangaribowo (CPPS UGM researcher) was visiting Bangkok – Thailand from 9 to 14 October 2022 to attend the in-person training of “Using National Transfer Account (NTA) Evidence for Population and Development Policy Advancement in Asia-Pacific”.
The overall aim of the workshop is that all participating countries have the capacity to construct NTA and to make use of the NTA evidence for policy guidance. Most countries in Asia, such as Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines are experiencing a demographic dividend as their populations become increasingly concentrated in the working ages. For these countries, it is important to examine conditions and policies that affect the size of the dividend and convert the transitory age distribution benefit into a long-term boost for rates of economic growth. Using NTA, countries can have in-depth analysis to create policies which support the next demographic dividend, for example through women participation, education, and healthier older citizens.
Through the training, core and more advanced technical know-how can be shared and discussed. A further aim is to build a larger pool of regional experts who are able to share knowledge and increase the utilization of the NTA evidence to support policy development and planning. During the training, Dr. Pangaribowo together with other Indonesia delegates (Ministry of Finance, BPS, BAPPENAS, Lembaga Demografi UI, and CEDS Universitas Padjajaran), constructed general Life Cycle Deficit accounts for Indonesia using various macro data (System of National Accounts, Government revenue/expenditure by program) and micro data (Household Survey on Income and Expenditure – SUSENAS and SAKERNAS data). The workshop brings several follow up activities in the near future.
As a representative from academics side, Dr. Pangaribowo and other universities will take part in translating the results obtained from the NTA to a policy brief to communicate it with the policy makers as well as strengthening communication with central and local government on the dynamic population and its future implications on the economy. Although the NTA at regional level is not possible to construct at this time, communication with the local government is important not only to raise awareness about the demographic dynamic and the multidimensional aspects brought by aging, but also it can serve as the stimulus for the central government to keep NTA updated.