Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Sebuah yayasan agama di Bandung rutin mengadakan sunat perempuan massal setiap tahun. Pada acara sunat perempuan massal terbaru, yayasan tersebut menargetkan jumlah anak perempuan yang berpartisipasi sebanyak 130. Namun, peserta yang mendaftar mencapai 220 anak perempuan, seperti dilansir Vice Indonesia (10/1/2020).
Menurut data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013, secara nasional tercatat 51 persen perempuan usia 0-11 tahun di Indonesia pernah disunat. Kemudian, 72,4 persen diantaranya melakukan sunat pada usia 1-5 bulan, 13,9 persen pada usia 1-5 bulan, 13,9 persen pada usia 1-4 tahun, dan 3,3 persen pada usia 5-11 tahun.
Indonesia yang selama ini luput dari “pantauan radar” sunat perempuan (female genital mutilation/cutting) di tingkat global, kini muncul dengan permasalahan tersebut. Selain itu, selama ini praktik sunat perempuan dinilai sebagai African phenomenon, yaitu fenomena yang hanya terjadi di Afrika. Data dari Riskesdas 2013 ini melatarbelakangi munculnya pandangan lain bahwa sunat perempuan juga terjadi di Asia, khususnya Indonesia.
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Nol Toleransi Praktik Sunat Perempuan, Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan (PSKK) UGM bekerja sama dengan Women’s March Yogyakarta menggelar seminar bertajuk “Membedah Mitos dan Fakta tentang Sunat Perempuan” pada Kamis, 6 Februari 2020 di Auditorium Prof. Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, Gedung Masri Singarimbun, Jl Tevesia, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta.
Seminar ini tidak saja menghadirkan peneliti dari PSKK UGM, tetapi juga aktivis gender, aktivis kesehatan reproduksi, dan Islamic scholar. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk melihat sunat perempuan dari berbagai perspektif, seperti budaya, agama, dan kebijakan.
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Peneliti PSKK UGM, Sri Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Kes. selaku pembicara seminar menyampaikan bahwa di beberapa daerah Indonesia, praktik sirkumsisi atau P2GP di Indonesia dianggap sebagai kewajiban agama yang harus dilakukan dan telah menjadi tradisi turun temurun yang sulit dihilangkan. Pernyataan tersebut merujuk pada hasil survei PSKK UGM 2017 bertajuk Pemotongan/Perlukaan Genitalia Perempuan (P2GP) Persimpangan antara Tradisi dan Modernitas.
Hasil survei PSKK UGM tersebut menunjukkan, sebagian besar P2GP dilakukan oleh dukun bayi (45 persen), bidan/perawat/mantri (38 persen), dukun sunat perempuan (10 persen), dan dokter (1 persen). Hasil survei PSKK juga menyebutkan, 84,6 persen dukun bayi melakukan sunat perempuan menggunakan pisau, kater, atau silet; 3,9 persen menggunakan gunting; dan 7,7 persen menggunakan jarum.
Berdasarkan tipologi WHO (2012), ada empat metode yang digunakan dalam sunat perempuan, yaitu Clitoridectomy (pemotongan sebagian atau seluruh klitoris atau selaput di atasnya), Excision (pemotongan sebagian atau seluruh klitoris dan/atau labia minora dengan atau tanpa memotong labia majora), Infibulation (praktik yang mempersempit lubang vagina dengan selaput penutup dengan memotong atau mengubah bentuk labia majora dan labia minora, sedangkan klitoris tidak disentuh sama sekali), dan metode tindakan lain yang melukai vagina tanpa tujuan medis, seperti menggaruk, menusuk atau menggores area genital.
Sementara menurut hasil survei P2GP, PSKK 2017, tipe ke-empat merupakan metode yang paling banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Selain temuan tersebut, penelitian PSKK juga menemukan jenis praktik P2GP yang tidak ada dalam tipologi WHO, seperti memotong sebagian klitoris dan preputium (prepuce), menggores atau mengorek bagian uretra (urethral opening), dan simbolis tanpa perlukaan.
Survei PSKK UGM 2017 tersebut dilakukan di 10 provinsi; 7 provinsi memiliki angka prevalensi P2GP cukup tinggi, yaitu Gorontalo, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Riau, Kalimantan Selatan, Jawa Barat, dan Sulawesi Barat, kemudian 3 provinsi memiliki peraturan daerah yang mendukung praktik medikalisasi perempuan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, yaitu Kalimantan Timur, Jambi, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
No Health Benefits, Only Harm
Merujuk pada pernyataan WHO, P2GP tidak memiliki manfaat kesehatan, justru membahayakan anak perempuan dan perempuan dalam banyak hal, seperti perdarahan berlebih, pembengkakan jaringan genital, demam, infeksi misalnya tetanus, masalah pada kandung kemih, cidera pada jaringan genital di sekitarnya hingga kematian.
Untuk jangka panjang, sunat perempuan dapat menimbulkan masalah pada kandung kemih (buang air kecil yang menyakitkan, infeksi saluran kemih), masalah pada vagina (keputihan, gatal, vaginosis bakteri, dan infeksi lainnya), masalah saat menstruasi (nyeri haid, kesulitan mengeluarkan darah menstruasi, dan sebagainya).
Kemudian juga dapat menimbulkan masalah seksual (nyeri selama hubungan intim, penurunan kepuasan), peningkatan risiko komplikasi persalinan (sulit melahirkan, perdarahan berlebihan, operasi caesar, dan perlu menyadarkan bayi), kematian bayi baru lahir, masalah psikologis (depresi, kecemasan, gangguan stres pasca-trauma, harga diri rendah), dan komplikasi kesehatan mutilasi alat kelamin wanita lainnya.
Karena dilatarbelakangi kentalnya adat dan budaya serta tanpa alasan medis, WHO mengeluarkan pedoman baru yang mengatakan bahwa sunat perempuan merupakan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.
Link materi seminar “Membedah Mitos dan Fakta tentang Sunat Perempuan”, PSKK UGM.
Yogyakarta, CPPS UGM – A religious foundation in Bandung routinely holds annual mass female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). At the latest FGM/C, the foundation targets the number of girls to participate by 130. However, the number of participants who registered reached 220, as reported by Vice Indonesia (01/10/2020).
According to Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013 data, 51% of Indonesia women at the age of 0-11 years have performed FGM/C. Further, 72.4% of them have performed FGM/C at age of 1-5 months, 13.9% at the age of 1-5 months, 13.9% at the age of 1-4 years, and 3.3% at the age of 5-11 years.
Indonesia, which has been spared the FGM/C “radar monitoring” at the global level, is now emerging with this problem. In addition, the practice of FGM/C is considered as an African phenomenon, a phenomenon that only occurs in Africa. Data from Riskesdas 2013 underlines the presence of another view that FGM/C also occurs in Asia, especially Indonesia.
In commemoration of the Zero Day on Tolerance of FGM/C, Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM in collaboration with Yogyakarta Women’s March held a seminar “Dissecting Myths and Facts about Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting” on Thursday, February 6, 2020 at Auditorium Prof. Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, Masri Singarimbun Building, Jalan Tevesia, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta.
This seminar did not only present the researchers of CPPS UGM, but it also invited gender activists, reproductive health activists, and Islamic scholars. This seminar aims to see FGM/C from perspectives, such as culture, religion, and policy.
The researcher of CPPS UGM, Sri Purwatiningsih, S.Sc., M.Kes., as the seminar speaker said that in some regions, the practice of circumcision or FGM/C in Indonesia is considered a religious obligation that must be fulfilled and has become a hereditary tradition that is hard to eradicate. The statement refers to the results of CPPS UGM survey 2017 entitled Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Intersection between Tradition and Modernity.
The results of the UGM CPPS survey show that the majority of FGM/C is performed by dukun (45 percent), midwives/nurses/health workers (38%), FGM/C dukun (10%), and doctors (1%). CPPS survey results also show that 84.6% of dukun performed the FGM/C using a knife or razor blade; 3.9% using scissors; and 7.7% using needles.
Based on WHO typology (2012), there are four methods used in FGM/C; clitoridectomy (cutting part or all of the clitoris or membrane above it), excision (cutting part or all of the clitoris and/or labia minora with or without cutting the labia majora), infibulation (the practice of narrowing the vaginal opening with the lining by cutting or changing the shape of the labia majora and labia minora, while the clitoris is not cut at all), and other methods of action that injure the vagina without medical purposes, such as scratching, piercing or scratching the genital area.
Meanwhile, according to the results of the FGM/C survey 2017 conducted by CPPS UGM, the fourth type is the most widely used method in Indonesia. In addition to these findings, the study also found types of FGM/C practices that are not included in WHO typology, such as partially cutting the clitoris and prepuce, scratching or scraping the urethral opening, and symbolic without injury.
The survey of CPPS UGM 2017 was conducted in ten provinces; seven provinces have a fairly high FGM/C prevalence rate, such as Gorontalo, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Riau, South Kalimantan, West Java, and West Sulawesi; and three provinces have local regulations that support the practice of medicalizing women in health service facilities, such as East Kalimantan, Jambi, and West Nusa Tenggara.
No Health Benefits, Only Harm
Referring to WHO data, FGM/C has no health benefits, it endangers girls and women in many ways, such as excessive bleeding, genital tissue swelling, fever, infections such as tetanus, bladder problems, and injuries to the surrounding genital tissue to death.
For the long term, FGM/C can cause problems in the bladder (painful urination, urinary tract infections), vaginal problems (vaginal discharge, itching, bacterial vaginosis, and other infections), problems during menstruation (menstrual pain, menstrual pain menstruation, and so on).
Further, it can also cause sexual problems (pain during intercourse, decreased satisfaction), increased risk of childbirth complications (difficult childbirth, excessive bleeding, caesarean section, and newborn consciousness), newborn mortality, psychological problems (depression, anxiety, post-trauma stress disorder, low self-esteem), and other health complications.
Due to the strong background of customs and culture and without medical reasons, WHO issued a new guideline stating that FGM/C is a violation against human rights.
seminar material links
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan (PSKK) UGM mengadakan empat seri seminar bulanan yang berfokus pada materi umum untuk mendukung penulisan artikel. Empat materi tersebut bertajuk Finding a Research Gap, Reviewing Literature, Formulating the Argument, dan Writing the Conclusion.
Pada pertemuan pertama, Senin (27/01/2020), Prof. Ben White selaku narasumber seminar memulai bahasan acara dengan kalimat, “All good research and writing begins with reading”. Menurutnya, penelitian dan penulisan yang baik selalu dimulai dengan banyak membaca.Membicarakan Finding a Research Gap, pada kesempatan tersebut secara umum Ben menjelaskan pertimbangan dalam memilih topik, orisinalitas penulisan artikel, dan studi kritis.
Dalam memilih topik penelitian, menurut Ben, hal penting yang harus diperhatikan adalah memilih topik yang disukai karena hal itu akan memengaruhi ketahanan minat atau semangat saat melakukan penelitian.“Choose something you are interested in which will sustain your interest over a relatively long period of time, and not too ambitious or challenging in relation to the time available, and your capacities (especially if you are not a professional researcher),” ujar Ben.
Menurutnya, sebuah karya disebut asli atau orisinil jika tulisan tersebut mengungkapkan suatu argumen yang belum pernah diungkap sebelumnya, memberikan karya empiris yang belum pernah dipublikasi, atau memberikan suatu interpretasi yang baru terhadap sebuah informasi yang sudah diketahui, dan/atau dengan menggunakan metode yang belum dilakukan sebelumnya.“Your work is original if it advances knowledge (or debate) in a way that has not been done before,” tegasnya.
Terkait studi kritis, Ben memberikan empat tips penting, yaitu penelitian harus memiliki nilai kritik, dekonstruksi, dan pekerjaan teoritis. Kemudian berdasarkan tiga langkah tersebut, penulis harus mengembangkan sebuah sudut pandang atau posisi yang mengkaitkan teori dan praktik.
Kuliah umum penulisan artikel bersama Prof. Ben White sesi kedua akan digelar pada Selasa (28/01/2020) pukul 10.00-12.00 WIB di Auditorium Prof. Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, Gedung Masri Singarimbun, Jl Tevesia, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta. Usai kedua sesi ini, dua topik selanjutnya yaitu “Formulating the Argument” dan “Writing the Conclusion” yang akan digelar pada bulan mendatang.
Yogyakarta, CPPS UGM – Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM held four monthly seminar series that focus on general materials to support article writing. The four materials are Finding a Research Gap, Reviewing Literature, Formulating the Argument, and Writing the Conclusion.
At the first session (Monday, 27 January 2020), Prof. Ben White as the speaker began the discussion with the tagline, “All good research and writing begins with reading”. According to him, good research and writing always starts with a lot of reading.
Regarding the topic, he explained considerations in choosing the topics, originality of the article writing, and critical study.
In choosing a research topic, according to Ben, the important thing to consider is to select favorable topic since it will affect the sustainability of the writer’s interest or enthusiasm while conducting research.
“Choose something you are interested in which will sustain your interest over a relatively long period of time, and not too ambitious or challenging in relation to the time available, and your capacities (especially if you are not a professional researcher),” Ben added.
He emphasized that a work is original if the writing expresses an argument that has never been revealed before, gives empirical work that has never been published, or provides a new interpretation of information that is already known, and/or by using methods that have not been previously done.
“Your work is original if it advances knowledge (or debate) in a way that it hasn’t been done before,” he stressed.
Regarding the critical study, he gave four tips; a research must have critical value, deconstruction, and theoretical work. Based on these three steps, the writer must develop a point of view or position can link the theory and practice.
The second session will be held on Tuesday, 28 January 2020 at 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. at Auditorium Prof. Dr. Agus Dwiyanto, Masri Singarimbun Building, Jalan Tevesia, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta. The next session will tell about two topics entitled “Formulating the Argument” and “Writing the Conclusion” which will be held next month.
Below we provide the link of monthly seminar #1 material “Finding a Research Gap” by Prof. Ben White.
.Berikut kami sertakan link materi seminar bulanan #1 bertajuk Finding a “Research Gap” dengan pemateri Prof. Ben White.
.Universitas Gadjah Mada, in cooperation with Indonesia Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), will hold The 5th Asian population Association Conference on 24-27 November, 2020 at Royal Ambarukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta.
- Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics
- Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data
- Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health, and Reproductive Rights
- Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology, and Causes of Death
- Population Mobility (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization
- Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship
- Demographic Theory and Methods (Including Demographic Training)
- Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and Population Ageing
- Population and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Special Population Group (Youth, Persons with Disability, etc.)
- Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies
- Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language
- Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness, etc.)
- Indonesia Special Sessions
- Abstract is required and should not exceed 200 words
- Extended abstract is optional and should not be more than 5 pages. The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font, and all illustration, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- Full paper is optional. Length of the manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words excluding references (about 25 pages). The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The paper title must not be in ‘all capital letters’ (e.g. “INFLUENCE OF PARENTAL EDUCATION ON NUPTIAL BEHAVIOR: AN ANALYSIS OF HINDU COMMUNITY IN INDIA’ must be ‘Influence of Parental Education on Nuptial Behavior: An Analysis of Hindu Community in India’).
- The authors’ names must not be in “all capital letters’ (e.g. ‘SAM SMITH’ must be ‘Sam SMITH’).
Submission opens : 1 October 2019
Submission deadline : 31 January 2020
Notification of decision : 11 May 2020
Registration opens : 8 June 2020
Early bird registration closes : 14 September 2020
Main conference : 24-27 November 2020
See the details of important dates on https://www.asianpa.org/78-apa-activities/449-important-dates.html
More information can be accessed through www.asianpa.org
Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerjasama dengan BKKBN akan mengadakan Seminar Internasional The 5th Asian Population Association Conference pada 24-27 November 2020 di Royal Ambarukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta.
Tema Seminar:
- Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics
- Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data
- Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights
- Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology and Causes of Death
- Population Mobility (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization
- Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship
- Demographic Theory and Methods (including demographic training)
- Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition and population Ageing
- Population and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Special Population Group (Youth, Persons, with Disability, etc.)
- Population and Economy: Demographic Dividend, Labor Market and Population Policies
- Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language
- Others (Education, Wellbeing and Happiness etc.)
- Indonesia Special Sessions
Guideline for Abstract Preparation
- Abstrak berisi maksimal 200 kata.
- Panjang abstrak bersifat opsional dan maksimal 5 halaman. Format tulisan menggunakan spasi ganda (dobel); ukuran huruf 12, dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel ditempatkan di dalam teks, bukan di akhir teks.
- Paper penuh bersifat opsional. Panjang tulisan maksimal 8.000 kata (tidak termasuk referensi atau sekitar 25 halaman) dan menggunakan spasi ganda; ukuran huruf 12; dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel ditempatkan di dalam teks, bukan di akhir teks.
- Judul paper tidak ditulis dengan huruf kapital semua (contoh: Influence of Parental Education on Nuptial Behavior: An Analysis of Hindu Community in India)
- Nama penulis tidak ditulis dengan huruf kapital semua (contoh: Sam Smith).
Tanggal Penting
Pengiriman abstrak dan paper mulai : 1 Oktober 2019
Tenggat pengiriman abstrak dan paper : 31 Januari 2020
Pengumuman : 11 Mei 2020
Pendaftaran : 8 Juni 2020
Penutupan pendaftaran Early Bird : 14 September 2020
Seminar : 24-27 November 2020
Untuk informasi selanjutnya silakan kunjungi https://www.asianpa.org/78-apa-activities/449-important-dates.html atau www.asianpa.org