PERSOALAN politik agaknya masih menjadi panglima di negeri ini.
Media Wednesday, 11 June 2014
PERSOALAN politik agaknya masih menjadi panglima di negeri ini.
Media Wednesday, 11 June 2014
The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta – Around 20 years from now, Indonesia could be populated by 304.9 million people with 2 million people entering the workforce annually, the Center for Population and Policy Studies (PSKK) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta has reported.
The estimation is part of the PSKK’s survey and research involving a number of researchers, such as Sukamdi, Eddy Kiswanto, Arif Fahrudin Alfana and Agus Joko Pitoyo.
The research was conducted based on several factors such as birth rate, mortality rate and social and economic factors.
“This is part of a challenge; a large population can represent tremendous potential or it can be a burden to development, depending on how you address and prepare for it,” said Agus.
He said the estimation from the PSKK differed slightly from the projection by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which estimated the future population at around 306.6 million people, and the United Nations’ projection of 303.38 million.
According to Agus, if the growing population was harnessed correctly, human resources would hold extraordinary potential for the country.
However, if not managed well, substantial population growth would instead hinder progress.
“Without qualified human resources, large population growth will only be a burden on development,” Agus added.
Head researcher Sukamdi said another issue that had to be addressed was a surge in the elderly population.
“In 2010, the number of senior citizens was 11.8 million.
Media Wednesday, 11 June 2014
The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta – Around 20 years from now, Indonesia could be populated by 304.9 million people with 2 million people entering the workforce annually, the Center for Population and Policy Studies (PSKK) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta has reported.
The estimation is part of the PSKK’s survey and research involving a number of researchers, such as Sukamdi, Eddy Kiswanto, Arif Fahrudin Alfana and Agus Joko Pitoyo.
The research was conducted based on several factors such as birth rate, mortality rate and social and economic factors.
“This is part of a challenge; a large population can represent tremendous potential or it can be a burden to development, depending on how you address and prepare for it,” said Agus.
He said the estimation from the PSKK differed slightly from the projection by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which estimated the future population at around 306.6 million people, and the United Nations’ projection of 303.38 million.
According to Agus, if the growing population was harnessed correctly, human resources would hold extraordinary potential for the country.
However, if not managed well, substantial population growth would instead hinder progress.
“Without qualified human resources, large population growth will only be a burden on development,” Agus added.
Head researcher Sukamdi said another issue that had to be addressed was a surge in the elderly population.
“In 2010, the number of senior citizens was 11.8 million.
Esai & OpiniMedia Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Yogyakarta, CPPS – Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) telah merilis hasil Studi Pengukuran Tingkat Kebahagiaan (SPTK) yang kemudian dikenal dengan Indeks Kebahagiaan Indonesia tahun 2013.
Essay & OpinionMedia Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Yogyakarta, CPPS – Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) telah merilis hasil Studi Pengukuran Tingkat Kebahagiaan (SPTK) yang kemudian dikenal dengan Indeks Kebahagiaan Indonesia tahun 2013.
Media Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Detik Finance, Malang -Tantangan sektor pangan di Indonesia sangat besar, karena tingkat pertumbuhan penduduknya cukup tinggi rata-rata 1,6% per tahun atau bertambah 4 juta orang.
Media Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Detik Finance, Malang -Tantangan sektor pangan di Indonesia sangat besar, karena tingkat pertumbuhan penduduknya cukup tinggi rata-rata 1,6% per tahun atau bertambah 4 juta orang.
Media Tuesday, 10 June 2014
TRIBUNNEWS.COM,KULONPROGO – Warga lanjut usia (lansia) yang tergolong keluarga miskin menjadi problematika tersendiri sekarang ini. Faktor usia yang tak lagi produktif menyebabkan status kemiskinan tersebut sangat sulit diperbaiki.
Bupati Kulonprogo, Hasto Wardoyo mengatakan, kemiskinan menjadi masalah utama bagi lansia di samping persoalan kesehatan.
Pemerintah dalam hal ini pun hanya bisa berbelas kasih dengan memberikan bantuan-bantuan mengingat tidak ada yang bisa banyak dilakukan dengan terhadap lansia miskin.
"Ini problem serius di samping masalah kesehatan.
Media Tuesday, 10 June 2014
TRIBUNNEWS.COM,KULONPROGO – Warga lanjut usia (lansia) yang tergolong keluarga miskin menjadi problematika tersendiri sekarang ini. Faktor usia yang tak lagi produktif menyebabkan status kemiskinan tersebut sangat sulit diperbaiki.
Bupati Kulonprogo, Hasto Wardoyo mengatakan, kemiskinan menjadi masalah utama bagi lansia di samping persoalan kesehatan.
Pemerintah dalam hal ini pun hanya bisa berbelas kasih dengan memberikan bantuan-bantuan mengingat tidak ada yang bisa banyak dilakukan dengan terhadap lansia miskin.
"Ini problem serius di samping masalah kesehatan.
Media Monday, 9 June 2014
JAKARTA, Sinar Harapan – Jumlah penduduk terus bertambah, namun Bumi tempat berpijak tidak bertambah.