Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Guna menjalankan program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang lebih tepat sasaran dan tepat program, maka data kemiskinan yang akurat serta tepat sasaran sangatlah diperlukan.
Media Monday, 8 December 2014
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Guna menjalankan program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang lebih tepat sasaran dan tepat program, maka data kemiskinan yang akurat serta tepat sasaran sangatlah diperlukan.
Media Monday, 8 December 2014
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Guna menjalankan program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang lebih tepat sasaran dan tepat program, maka data kemiskinan yang akurat serta tepat sasaran sangatlah diperlukan.
Media Monday, 8 December 2014
A new report looks at the myriad benefits of increasing contraception access and prenatal care around the world.
For about the cost of ticket to the movies and small popcorn, says Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), millions of women across the globe could gain access to vital reproductive health services.
The benefit of doing so, he says, can have a lasting impact not just on women and families, but the global economy.
“When you do that, protect the health of the woman or the girl,” says Osotimehin,”she becomes more productive in her community and the world.
Media Monday, 8 December 2014
A new report looks at the myriad benefits of increasing contraception access and prenatal care around the world.
For about the cost of ticket to the movies and small popcorn, says Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), millions of women across the globe could gain access to vital reproductive health services.
The benefit of doing so, he says, can have a lasting impact not just on women and families, but the global economy.
“When you do that, protect the health of the woman or the girl,” says Osotimehin,”she becomes more productive in her community and the world.
MediaPress Release Thursday, 4 December 2014
Yogyakarta, MDSK UGM – Pasca menetapkan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi, pemerintahan Joko Widodo dan Jusuf Kalla terus menerima reaksi penolakan keras dari berbagai pihak.
MediaSiaran Pers Thursday, 4 December 2014
Yogyakarta, MDSK UGM – Pasca menetapkan kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi, pemerintahan Joko Widodo dan Jusuf Kalla terus menerima reaksi penolakan keras dari berbagai pihak.
Media Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Ketimpangan ekonomi antara penduduk kaya dengan penduduk miskin di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta semakin mengkhawatirkan.
Media Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Yogyakarta, PSKK UGM – Ketimpangan ekonomi antara penduduk kaya dengan penduduk miskin di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta semakin mengkhawatirkan.
Media Wednesday, 3 December 2014
JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Puncak bonus demografi pertama yang ditandai banyaknya jumlah penduduk usia produktif terjadi tahun 2028-2031.
Media Wednesday, 3 December 2014
JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Puncak bonus demografi pertama yang ditandai banyaknya jumlah penduduk usia produktif terjadi tahun 2028-2031.