Pemetaan Potensi Industri Kecil Kelompok Rentan

10 September 2012 | admin
Project At Glance
Country Indonesia
Region Yogyakarta
Name of Client Kantor Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kota Yogyakarrta
Address Jl. Kenari 56 Yogyakarta
Duration of Assignment 52 hari kerja
Start Date 15 September 2009
Completion Date 6 November 2009
Prinsipal Investigator Dr. Pande Made Kutanegara, M.Si.
Principal Investigator (Not on the list)
Research Team Dr. Umi Listyaningsih, M.Si., Sumini, S.Si., M.Sc.
Research Team (not on the list)
Profiles of Professional Staff Provided by The Center Pakar Demografi, Antropologi

Study on mapping the potential of small scale industry of the vulnerable groups in Yogyakarta is a collaboration of the CPPS-GMU and the Office of Women Empowerment of Yogyakarta district government. The objectives of the study are: to identify the distribution of small scale industries among vulnerable groups; to identify the conditions of the small scale industries run by the groups; and to identify the problems and challenges faced by the groups. The method used in the study includes the secondary data analysis on data collected from various bureaus in the Yogyakarta government, in-depth interview with a number of entrepreneurs from various sectors, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) attended by bureaucrats, entrepreneurs, and community members.

Developing project proposal. Developing research instrument. Conducting data collection and FGD. Conducting Data Analysis and Reporting