A Study of Community’s Need for Raw Water in Cepu Block (Bojonegoro and Tuban): A Preliminary Study

29 March 2013 | admin
Project At Glance
Country Indonesia
Region Blora Regency, Tuban Regency, Bojonegoro Regency
Name of Client ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc.
Address Wisma GKBL Grounded Floor, Jalan Jend. Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210
Duration of Assignment 2 bulan
Start Date Februari 2013
Completion Date Maret 2013
Prinsipal Investigator
Principal Investigator (Not on the list)
Research Team Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Setiadi, M.Si., Sonyaruri Satiti, S.Si., M.Sc.
Research Team (not on the list)
Profiles of Professional Staff Provided by The Center Population Specialist, Anthropologist

Cepu Block Project fulfills strategic criteria of oil production for ExxonMobil. The production of this block is expected to be able to raise Indonesian oil output up to 1 million barrels per day and make a significant contribution to the country. To reach this target, the company’s operation cannot be separated from the surrounding community’s life.

Community raw water need and availability was brought to ExxonMobil’s attention. To ensure sustainable raw water availability, a study about community raw water needs expectations was required. CPPS-GMU carried out the study in three regencies that belong to operation area of Cepu Block, namely Blora, Tuban, and Bojonegoro.

The objectives of this study are: 1) To conduct a study on the anticipated raw water needs of the community for many aspects of life, especially the method of simulation and calculation needs, provision and issues that arise based on secondary data; 2) To identify some technical choices or options of raw water supply, designation, scope, and implications for society in the short, medium and long. Projection method to predict the raw water needs to be applied in this study as far as secondary data allows.