Posts from Research: Demography

It is one of the research areas and knowledge basis for population studies with a multidisciplinary approach that has been developed since the CPPS UGM was established in 1973. In addition to examining demographic variables, such as fertility, mortality, and migration, this research area also pays attention to contemporary population issues using quantitative analysis and is complemented by qualitative analysis.

Pilot Project Of Continuous Improvement And Benchmarking And Citizen Report Card In Indonesia

The implementation of the pilot project on Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking (CIB) and Citizen Report Card (CRC) intends to improve the standard…

Survei Evaluasi Dampak Bantuan Transitional Shelter Di DIY Dan Jawa Tengah

Pemberdayaan Perempuan Miskin Pada Usaha Kecil Di Pedesaan Melalui Layanan Keuangan Mikro

Local Governance Capacity Building

Program Penguatan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Dan SDM Distrik Babo Secara Partisipatif

Pendampingan Forum Monitoring In Migran

Upaya Pencegahan Penyebaran HIV AIDS Di Kalangan Para Korban Gempa Bantul