BERORGANISASI UNTUK JATI DIRI DAN KESEHATAN: Studi tentang Organisasi MSM dan TG Terkait HIV & AIDS di Empat Negara

24 May 2016 - 14:31:47 | admin

Authors: Anna Marie Wattie, Sri Purwatiningsih

Topics: HIV dan AIDS, Kesehatan Reproduksi, MSM dan Transgender, Organisasi Berbasis Komunitas

Book Title: BE ORGANIZED FOR SELF IDENTITY AND HEALTH (Study on MSM and TG Organizations Related to HIV & AIDS in Four Countries)

Publication Year: 2016

Language: Bahasa Indonesia, English

ISBN: 978-602-386-071-5

MSM (men who have sex with men) and transgender groups are one of the groups at risk of HIV transmission. WHO progress report on HIV & AIDS in South East Asia in 2011 estimated there were 3.5 people living with HIV & AIDS. Among the high risk groups living with HIV & AIDS are men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender (TG). While MSM is the group so disclose about their identity, TG is very open. Unfortunately, both groups are less able to access health service which related to their sexual orientation. Community-based Organization (CBO) stands ahead in efforts to provide HIV & AIDS services to MSM and TG groups.

This book aims to identify, describe, and review good practices among MSM and TG organizations in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor Leste. This book is the result of a research conducted by Center for Population and Policy Studies-Gadjah Mada University in cooperation with ISEAN and comparative studies HIVOS under the title of "Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular South-East Asia". This research is an effort to fill in the gap of critical understanding towards organizations which facilitates MSM group in relation to their risks to be infected by HIV. This study was conducted to organizations providing HIV & AIDS services to MSM and TG groups in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor Leste. []