Networking of Public Aspiration (JARING ASMARA) Survey in Yogyakarta City 2013

21 November 2013 | admin
Project At Glance
Country Indonesia
Region Yogyakarta City
Name of Client Regional Development Planning Board, Yogyakarta City
Address Kompek Balai Kota Jalan Kenari No. 56,  Yogyakarta
Duration of Assignment 3 months
Start Date September 2013
Completion Date November 2013
Prinsipal Investigator Dra. Wini Tamtiari, M.Si.
Principal Investigator (Not on the list)
Research Team Triyastuti Setianingrum, SIP., M.Sc., Sumini, S.Si., M.Sc., Yam'ah Tsalatsa Abritaningrum, S.IP, M.P.A.
Research Team (not on the list)
Profiles of Professional Staff Provided by The Center Public Administration Specialist, Public Policy Specialist

A bottom-up community participation in the development planning process was required by the government in Law Number 25/2004 regarding National Development Planning System. In line with this, the preparation of the Regional Budget (APBD) which began with the Government of Yogyakarta’s Work Plan (RKPD) required a participatory planning process to accommodate proposals from communities to be embodied in the development planning discussion forums (musrenbang). However it was realized that musrenbang was still unable to capture and reveal the diversity and depth of people's aspirations. In relation to that, a community aspiration method was requested in order to identify the development needs of the community for the period of one year ahead. Survey on public aspiration activities conducted by CPPS UGM provided an opportunity for the public to get involved in the formulation of priorities in regional development programs. Participation and community involvement, in the form of ideas, opinions and suggestions, could be inputs into the Government of Yogyakarta’s policy making.

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