Populasi Volume 14 Nomor 1 Tahun 2003

05 November 2012 - 08:51:00 | admin

Kebijakan Upah: Tantangan di Tengah Suasana Krisis Ekonomi
Prijono Tjiptoherijanto

The difference in understanding between businessmen and workers on the issue of renumeration has caused demonstrations or strike actions demanding higher pay. According to workers, wage is considered take home pay, while for businessmen take home pay is just part of the emolument paid to workers. While workers attribute low work productivity to the low pay they get, businessmen regard the low wages paid to workers as attributable to the low work productivity. The national workers’ emolument determination board DPPN makes efforts to reduce the bickering over wages between workers and businessmen by calculating the minimum wage, which must be paid to the former by the latter. Such wage should enable workers live fairly well and should thus enhance work productivity.

Utilisasi Pelayanan Kesehatan: Problem Antara Pemerataan dan Efisiensi (Studi di Wilayah Pedesaan Kabupaten Purworejo)
Ambar Widaningrum

Undoubtly, an accessible and adequate basic health service is priority for poverty reduction and more equitable development. Underutilization of health services is still a major concern for policy makers and constitutes the prime barrier to the large scale success of health programs. Information on the determinants and patterns of health care use can identify problems in organization and delivery that may result in underutilization. Based on the research findings in rural Purworejo, delivering services for the rural and poor people are in conflict with the objective to generate revenue. Many potential beneficiaries never get to adequate health services, because of the multiple non-financial constraints either from the demand side or the supply side. In order to enhance equitable utilization of public health services, strong commitment to apply investment in accessibility is certainly needed.

Perembangan Kesejahteraan Penduduk di Provinsi Papua
Ulah Tri Wibowo, Tukiran

There is a disparity in welfare between the people who dwell in mountanous areas and those living in plains, coastalal areas which is due to the difference in accessibility. Coastal regions develop fast and generally have higher economic and social well-being because of the better accessibility they are bestowed with.

However, in general, the people of Papua enjoy lower welfare than they are capable of enjoying in relation to the natural resopurces the province has. The abundant natural resources in the province have not been exploited to the full in endevor to improve the well being of the popuakltuion. The division of Papua province into West Papua, Central Papua, and East Papua is expected to accelerate the development process, which should in turn reduce income disparity. Nonetheless, some redress must be found to the problem of uneven distribution of natural resources among the three provinces, to prevent the emergence of regional paracholiasm which may the source of income inequality among the three new provinces due to their different respective locations on the coast, plains, and mountainous region.

Dari Makassar Ke Makassar: Aspek Demografi dan Politik Proses “Etnisasi” Sebuah Kota
Dias Pradadimara

The city of Makassar, once named Ujung Pandang, in South Sulawesi, underwent tremendous transformation in the 20th century. This transformation significantly changed the image of the city from a cosmopolitan town to a provincial and “ethnic” city. This article shows that the changes of the city’s image did not happen by itself. There were changing structural conditions, namely demographic and political conditions, which allowed the changes to happen.

Since early 20th century the population of the city has grown exponentially. First, in-migrants from the surrounding regions in the eastern part of Indonesia flocked into the city until early 1950s. Second, due to the rebellion and unrest in the countryside of South Sulawesi since 1950 in-migrants, mostly refugees, from Bugis-speaking areas in even larger number swarmed Makassar. Parallel with the demographical changes, the political scene in the city (and the province) was increasingly dominated by politicians and bureaucrats of South-Sulawesi origins. The Permesta rebellion in late-1950s triggered the departure of mostly non-South Sulawesi politicians away from the region leaving the political stage fully in the hands of local politicians. The “ethnic-ization” of the city was made possible by these demographical and political changes.


Cara Berlangganan

1. Mengisi formulir berlangganan

2. Transfer biaya langganan melalui rekening Bank Niaga Cabang Soedirman Yogyakarta, No. Rek. 018-01-1412-00-3, atas nama YP3K UGM

  • Harga eceran: Rp 15.000,00 / eks
  • Langganan P. Jawa: Rp 40.000,00 / tahun (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim)
  • Langganan Luar P. Jawa: Rp 50.000,00 / tahun (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim)

3. Fax formulir berlangganan dan bukti transfer ke 0274 – 556563 atau 582230

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