
Paedofilia Di Bali

The tourist industry in Bali has recently become an international network for child trafficking, especially for pedophilias. Child trafficking by pedophilias is…

Sunat_Belenggu Adat Perempuan Madura

This study aims at describing female genital cutting in Madura, focusing on exploration of this phenomenon and how it is practiced in…

Sunat Perempuan Di Bawah Bayang Bayang Tradisi

Many myths surround female genital cutting among the Madurese that motivate Madurese to carry out this practice. Combined with social pressure on…

Aku Harus Berhenti

HIV/AIDS transmission among injecting drug user communities have potential impact for general population through their risk behavior either in injecting practices or…

Aborsi Dalam Perspektif Lintas Agama

Abortion is considered as one of the reproductive health issues that spark controversy from religious perspectives. Each religion has different views in…

Penanggulangan PMS Dan HIV AIDS Pada Era Otonomi Daerah

This study shows that decentralization in the health sector in Banyumas Regency has not increased the commitment of the government to prevent…

Tragedi Perdagangan Amoi Singkawang

Using gender analysis, the research findings show that amoi trafficking is driven both by internal and external motivations. Internal motivation is derived…